Friday, April 16 / 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM   •   Marsalis A

Poster Session 4

  1. Nepali College Students' Susceptibility to HIVRamesh Adhikari, Tribhuvan University

  2. Demographic Impact of Agricultural Technology Use in NepalPrem B. Bhandari, University of Michigan

  3. Stratified Access to Science and Math Enrollment: The Effect of Geographic Proximity to Postsecondary Educational InstitutionsSarah Blanchard, University of Texas at Austin

  4. The Long-Term Effects of Family Emotional Climate on Academic Achievement in the Elementary SchoolKaterina Bodovski, Pennsylvania State University ; Min-Jong Youn, Pennsylvania State University

  5. Assessing the Effects of Restrictions on Migration: What Can We Learn from China?Orn B. Bodvarsson, St. Cloud State University

  6. The Effect of Life Expectancy on Economic Growth in the United StatesDiana Bowser, Harvard School of Public Health

  7. Occupation, Gender and Internal Migration -Sweden 1998-2008Maria Brandén, Stockholm University ; Sara Ström, Stockholm University

  8. Intergenerational Religious Influences and the Timing of First MarriageSarah R. Brauner-Otto, Mississippi State University ; Lisa D. Pearce, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  9. Marriage Prevalence among Young-Adults in India: Social, Time and Regional TrendsSonia Chager, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Joan Garcia Roman, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Antonio López Gay, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Albert Esteve, Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics (CED)

  10. Access to Microcredit Programs and Spousal Violence in Rural BangladeshYoo-Mi Chin, Missouri University

  11. Use of Antenatal Services and Delivery Care among Women in Northern NigeriaHenry V. Doctor, Columbia University ; Sally E. Findley, Columbia University ; Tukur Dahiru, Ahmadu Bello University ; Giorgio Cometto, Save the Children UK ; Cathy Green, Health Partners International

  12. How Does the Age of a Child Affect Parental Mortality?Sven Drefahl, Stockholm University

  13. Variation and Vulnerability: Unobserved Heterogeneity during Mortality TransitionsMichal Engelman, Johns Hopkins University ; Emily M. Agree, Johns Hopkins University

  14. Contextual Effects on College Expectations and Educational Achievement: A Longitudinal AnalysisBethany Everett, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Jarron M. Saint Onge, University of Houston

  15. Neighborhood Instability, Social Support, and Health among Low-Income MothersRyan Finnigan, Duke University

  16. Does Household Structure Matters in the Lives of Left Behind Women Due To Male Out-Migration in Rural India: Evidence from NFHS-3Sujata Ganguly, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

  17. Reconstruction of Continues Time Series by Causes of Death in BelarusPavel Grigoriev, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

  18. Morbidity Levels and Differentials in African Adult Females: Self-Report and Objectively Assessed Measures ComparedAllan G. Hill, Harvard University ; Richard M.K. Adanu, University of Ghana ; Rudolph Darko, Ghana Medical School ; Richard Biritwum, Ghana Medical School ; Rosemary B. Duda, Harvard Medical School

  19. Post-9/11 Women VeteransKelly A. Holder, U.S. Census Bureau

  20. Women Who Know: The Relationship between Risk and HIV TestingLindsay Howden, Texas A&M University

  21. Trends in the Labor Force Participation of Married Women with Young Children in Taiwan: The Role of Educational ExpansionYu-han Jao, National Taiwan University

  22. The Effect of Parent Attitudes on Marriage Timing of Sons in NepalElyse Jennings, University of Michigan ; William G. Axinn, University of Michigan

  23. Exploring “His and Hers”: Links between Infertility Diagnosis and ResponseKatherine M. Johnson, Pennsylvania State University ; Jasmine Fledderjohann, Pennsylvania State University

  24. Marriage Intentions among Never Married Japanese IndividualsSayaka Kawamura, Bowling Green State University

  25. Prenatal Care among Immigrants and Racial-Ethnic Minorities in a New Immigrant Destination: Exploring the Impact of Legal StatusKim Korinek, University of Utah

  26. In Search of the Holy Grail: Improving Assessments of Sexual Activity in Population Surveys through Collecting BiomarkersAndrzej Kulczycki, University of Alabama at Birmingham

  27. Cause of Death in Urban Africa: New Experiments with Verbal Autopsy Questionnaires in Accra, GhanaSamantha Lattof, Harvard School of Public Health ; Richard Biritwum, Ghana Medical School

  28. Electorate Choice and Fertility Variability in Brazil: A Geo-Statistical ApproachEverton Lima, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR) ; Eduardo L.G. Rios-Neto, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR) ; Francesco Lagona, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research

  29. The Association between Regular Exercise and Health Life ExpectancyYu-Hsuan Lin, Bureau of Health Promotion, Taiwan ; Chia-ying Lan, Bureau of Health Promotion, Taiwan ; Hui-Chi Chu, Bureau of Health Promotion, Taiwan ; I-Wen Liu, Bureau of Health Promotion, Taiwan ; Baai-Shyun Hurng, Bureau of Health Promotion, DOH, Taiwan

  30. Health Problems among Chronically Homeless People: A Re-ExaminationAdam M. Lippert, Pennsylvania State University ; Barrett A. Lee, Pennsylvania State University

  31. Immigration and Home Ownership: The Cases of California and Spain, 2001-2006Julián López-Colás, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Juan Antonio Módenes Cabrerizo, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Brenda Yépez Martínez, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

  32. Critical Periods During Childhood and Adolescence: A Study of Adult Height among Immigrant SiblingsPetter Lundborg, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ; Gerard G.J. van den Berg, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute ; Paul Nystedt, Linkoping University ; Dan-Olof Rooth, Kalmar University and Lund University

  33. Nationally Representative Data: 2007 National Survey of Adoptive ParentsKarin E. Malm, Child Trends ; Sharon Vandivere, Child Trends

  34. Population Momentum under Low Fertility in China: Trend, Impact and ImplicationZhuoyan Mao, National Research Institute for Family Planning of China

  35. Poverty Influences the Child Survival: Evidence from National Family Health SurveysPrakash Mishra, Institute for Research in Medical Statistics (ICMR), India ; Shrikant Singh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

  36. Family Planning Behaviour of Indian Couples: When Do Indian Men Adopt Family Planning MethodsShailendra K. Mishra, Indian Statistical Institute, Biological Anthropology Unit ; Sanjeev Bakshi, Indian Statistical Institute

  37. Correlates and Consequences of Child Care Arrangements among the Families of Teenage ParentsStefanie F. Mollborn, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Casey Blalock, University of Colorado at Boulder

  38. Correspondence Analysis and Logistic Modeling: Complementary Use in the Analysis of Age at Onset of and Causes of Mental Disability in IndiaDilip C. Nath, Gauhati University ; Prasenjit Sinha, Gauhati University

  39. The Impact of the Community-Based Health Planning and Services Programme (CHPS) on Skilled Assistance at Birth in GhanaPhilomena E. Nyarko, University of Ghana ; Faustina Frempong-Ainguah, University of Ghana ; Fiifi Amoako Johnson, University of Southampton ; Zoe Matthews, University of Southampton ; Peter Gething, University of Southampton ; Peter Atkinson, University of Southampton ; Francis Nii-Amoo Dodoo, Pennsylvania State University ; Jane C. Falkingham, University of Southampton

  40. Race Differences in Health-Related Quality of Life in the United StatesClaudia Pereira, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health ; Mari Palta, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; John Mullahy, University of Wisconsin at Madison

  41. Economic Growth in Ghana, Agricultural Sector, and Child NutritionRoland Pongou, Brown University ; Jemima A. Frimpong, University of Pennsylvania

  42. Paradox Revisited: A Further Examination of Race/Ethnic Differences in Infant Mortality in the U.S. by Maternal AgeDaniel A. Powers, University of Texas at Austin

  43. Exploring Unmet Need: Contraceptive Use Patterns Among Repeat Abortion Seekers in Addis Ababa, EthiopiaNdola Prata, University of California, Berkeley ; Martine Holston, Venture Strategies ; Caitlin Gerdts, University of California, Berkeley ; Melkamu Yilma, Addis Ababa University

  44. Contraceptive Choices: How is It Affecting Sexual and Reproductive Lives of Young Adults In India?Usha Ram, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Shreeparna Ghosh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

  45. Adolescent Use of Family Planning and Sexual Behavior in Uganda: Evidence from the African Youth Alliance (AYA) Survey 2006Gideon Rutaremwa, Makerere University

  46. Mortality of Fertile and Subfertile Men: Associations between Sperm Counts and Causes-of-DeathHanna Seydel, University of Marburg ; Katharina Belting, University of Marburg ; Markus Thiede, University of Marburg ; Sabine Groos, University of Marburg ; Walter Krause, University of Marburg ; Ulrich O. Mueller, University of Marburg

  47. Reconsidering Marital Exchange: A Comparison of First Marriage and Remarriage Patterns in the United StatesKevin Shafer, Arkansas State University

  48. Factors Affecting Children’s Health in the United States: Children’s Engagement in Social Activities, Their Households and Neighborhood CharacteristicsYuying Shen, University of North Texas ; Ami R. Moore, University of North Texas

  49. The Association between Self-Reported Health and Type of RetirementMatthew J. Shim, US Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine ; Benjamin Amick, University of Texas at Houston

  50. Nutritional Differentials in Two Demographically Distinct States in IndiaAnand Singh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Arvindra Archarya, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Namita Sahoo, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

  51. Inequality of Opportunity among Indian ChildrenAshish Singh, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research

  52. Influence of Household Environment and Living Conditions on Incidence of Diarrhea and Acute Respiratory Infections among Slum Children of Eight Major Cities of IndiaMahesh Nath Singh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Chander Shekhar, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

  53. Population Aging and Health Expenditure in Kerala: An Empirical AnalysisYadawendra Singh, National Institute of Public finance and Policy

  54. The Development of Family Interrelationship Measures for International Census DataMatthew Sobek, University of Minnesota

  55. Sons and Daughters: Effects of Children's Out-Migration on Intergenerational Support in Rural ChinaLu Song, Soochow University

  56. Obstetric Morbidity: A Serious Reproductive Health Concern for Currently Married Women in IndiaPandurang Sontakke, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Reshmi R.S., International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Daliya Sebastian, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

  57. Community Context and HIV Prevalence among Women and Men in ZimbabweIlene S. Speizer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Paul R. Voss, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Anu Manchikanti, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Jay Stewart, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  58. Consistency of Retrospective Cohabitation and Marital HistoriesCharles Q. Strohm, University of California, Los Angeles

  59. Populating Aging and Crime: The Peculiar Case of Japan’s Rising Elderly Crime RateNaomi Sugie, Princeton University

  60. The Socialization Effects of Parental Union Behaviors on Young Adult First Union Formation: Gender Differences in Cohabitation and MarriageKayo Suzuki, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  61. Dry Law for Drunk Drivers: The Impact of Alcohol-Related Laws on Car Accident Mortality RatesMicaela Sviatschi, Universidad de San Andres

  62. Self-Reported Emotional Well-Being among Adolescents in Swedish Stepfamilies 2000-2003Jani Turunen, Stockholm University

  63. A Demographic Comparison of Mexican Elders in the U.S. and Mexican Elder Return MigrantsAlma Vega, University of California, Berkeley

  64. Education and Health among Asian Americans in the United StatesYing-Ting Wang, University of Texas at Austin

  65. Exploring Transactional Sex among Undergraduates and the Implications for Sexual Health: A Study of Lagos State University, NigeriaOnipede Wusu, Lagos State University

  66. Analysis on the Determinants of Divergence between Fertility Desire and Childbearing Behavior of Women in ChinaJing Xu, Renmin University of China

  67. Neighborhood Toxic Emissions, Migration and MobilityScott T. Yabiku, Arizona State University ; Seung Yong Han, Arizona State Uiversity

  68. Consistency between Vital Rates from Sample Registration System and Those Based on Census Age Returns: An Assessment Using the Variable – r MethodSuryakant Yadav, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Subrata Lahiri, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

  69. The Elders’ Socioeconomic Status and Children’s Migration in Urban ChinaYue Zhuo, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)