Thursday, April 15 / 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM   •   Cumberland H

Session 31:
Parental Employment, Early Education and Development

Chair: Katherine Magnuson, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Discussant: Lisa A. Gennetian, The Brookings Institution
Discussant: Rachel Gordon, University of Illinois at Chicago

  1. Mothers' Employment and Educational Attainment, Parenting, and Children's Academic TrajectoriesJennifer M. Augustine, University of Texas at Austin ; Robert Crosnoe, University of Texas at Austin

  2. Effects of Maternal Employment and Child Care on Children's Obesity Risk: Do Child Care Arrangements Matter?Mai N. Hubbard, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.

  3. Which Children Benefit from Non-Parental Care?Chikako Yamauchi, Australian National University ; Andrew Leigh, Australian National University

  4. New School, New Child Care: The Role of Child Care During the Transition to School and Child Well-BeingAmy E. Claessens, University of Chicago

Other sessions on Children and Youth