Friday, April 16 / 2:30 PM - 4:20 PM   •   Cumberland H

Session 139:
Historical Demography

Chair: Leah P. Boustan, University of California, Los Angeles
Discussant: Katherine J. Curtis, University of Wisconsin at Madison

  1. Gender and the "Laws Of Migration": A Reconsideration of Nineteenth-Century PatternsTrent Alexander, University of Minnesota ; Annemarie Steidl, University of Vienna

  2. The Reward of Audacity? Looking at Migration Gains in Urbanizing France, 1870-1940Lionel Kesztenbaum, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

  3. Household Predictors of the Presence of Life Cycle Servants in Orkney, Scotland, 1851-1901Julia A. Jennings, Pennsylvania State University

  4. The Economics of Malaria and Malaria Eradication in the United StatesAlan Barreca, Tulane University ; Shawn Kantor, University of California, Merced ; Price Fishback, University of Arizona

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