Determinants of HIV Risk Perception among Adolescents in Four Sub-Saharan African Countries

Guiella Georges, Université de Montréal
Simona Bignami, Université de Montréal

Whether well founded or not, the perceptions of one’s own HIV/AIDS risk have been shown by health behavior models to be an important factor for individuals’ sexual behaviors. However, due to some limitations, the literature on the determinants of HIV risk perception remains scarce. There has been particularly limited research on the determinants of adolescents’ HIV risk perception. Using data from nationally-representative surveys of adolescents, we assess the factors associated with adolescents’ HIV risk perception in four African countries at different stages of the AIDS epidemic (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Malawi, Uganda). Ordered logistic regression results show a range of individual and environmental factors which interact to influence adolescents’ perception. Virgin adolescents’ social networks have a significant effect on their HIV risk perception. For females in Burkina Faso and Uganda, and both males and females in Ghana, having had a conversation with friends about AIDS increases the level of HIV perceived risk.

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Presented in Session 110: HIV/AIDS in Contemporary Africa